
La Créative Boutique creates the DIAGAST LIVE virtual stand

La Créative Boutique creates the DIAGAST LIVE virtual stand

Trade fairs are at a standstill? DIAGAST finds an alternative and innovative solution to keep in touch with its customers: the virtual stand DIAGAST Live !

In these times of health crisis, trade shows are cancelled or postponed. Opportunities to meet customers are rare. On the long term, this situation can be a brake to the development of a company, and DIAGAST wanted to take the lead by creating a digital tool to meet its customers and partners.

Who is Diagast ?

DIAGAST has been working since 1988 to facilitate the work of health professionals by guaranteeing speed and safety in terms of blood grouping. Their business is immuno-hematology, their DNA is innovation, their ambition is international, their treasure is people !

Why a virtual stand for a company like DIAGAST ?

DIAGAST has always participated in numerous trade fairs around the world, to meet its customers. It is always an opportunity to present its products, to explain its expertise and to build strong links with its customers. Since the beginning of 2020, with the end of face-to-face trade shows, the lack of exchange was felt. As the situation persisted, it was urgent to find a digital alternative that could compensate for this lack… but also open up new communication channels that would last after the crisis. Innovation is a word dear to DIAGAST, so the response had to be up to the task.

What are the characteristics of the DIAGAST Live virtual stand ?

DIAGAST Live is more than a stand, it is a real interactive experience, an immersion in the DIAGAST company universe. The visitor has access to a multitude of video contents to discover the products proposed by DIAGAST, but also 3D product presentations or interviews of collaborators… About fifteen “on-demand” videos are proposed in French and English. Beyond this “permanent” content, the visitor can also make OnetoOne appointments with DIAGAST exhibitors and exchange video. They can also log in to attend a live webinar programme. In short: a complete trade fair experience, and all this without leaving home !

This platform has been designed from the start to be used recurrently and in total autonomy by DIAGAST. Important point: the access to the platform is only done on registration, which allows to have interesting post-event data on the customers’ path (in compliance with the RGPD regulation).

Verbatim from Anne Fovet, Communication Manager at DIAGAST

The experience of creating this digital platform was a real challenge, as it was designed, developed and launched in just 3 months.
The advice from Jennifer, our Project Manager from La Creative Boutique (knowledge of the tool and mechanisms), was a real asset in meeting the project’s deadlines. Her support was much appreciated because it was simply effective.
In this type of project, unforeseen events inevitably occur and together we were able to manage them in an optimized way.
Today “DIAGAST Live” opens the doors to a virtual world where we can meet our clients live by bringing them original and scientific content: this is what we were looking for in priority. To create our events and keep improving our relationship with our partners and clients whatever the state of the health crisis or their geographical location.
The advantage of this solution is its evolution towards phygital (a mix between face-to-face and virtual) which will allow us to reach more customers.


What support did LA CREATIVE BOUTIQUE provide?

Thanks to the experience accumulated during the first months of confinement in terms of event virtualization, the consultants of La Créative Boutique have designed an original and tailor-made project, meeting the needs stated by the client: innovation, proximity and interactivity. In collaboration with DIAGAST’s communication teams, we were involved in all phases of the project:

– Concept proposal

– Project management and global coordination

– Selection of technical partners (digital platform, video provider)

– Support in the creation of video scenarios and other content, translations

– Advice on promotion and communication tools

– Coordination with the client’s technical teams for the integration of the tool

– Creation of guidelines and user tutorials for client empowerment

And for my company, is it possible ?

Of course! If you are used to attending trade fairs related to your business or if you are a young company and COVID19 has not allowed you to do so recently, the virtual stand is a great tool for you! Virtual trade fairs offer you the possibility to connect with your customers and partners all over the world without the constraints of the health crisis. This solution allows you to maintain optimal interaction with fully integrated networking options and to continue to generate leads for your sales teams. All this while reducing costs related to transport, accommodation etc…

Let’s not forget the development of phygital events where your stand will be a complement to your physical event to reach your entire target audience !